Though I know I should be wary still I venture someplace scary, ghostly hauntings I turn loose, Beetlejuice,Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
Say it Once, Say it Twice, Third Time's the Charm!
Map of the Neither World  
  Tim Burton's Corner
  Vote for Mayor Maynot!
  It's show time!
  Any Questions?
  Ruby's Room
  About My Sisters
  Ruby's Big Book of Stories!
  Semi-related Junk
  The Many Faces of Beetlejuice!
YAY! I caught your attention!
Any Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions!

1. Who is Beetlejuice
Beetlejuice is character from a TV show named after him that used to be on TV. It was on many channels including ABC kids, Cartoon Network, and others. He was also in a movie named after him as well in the movie however he was a pervert but in the cartoon he was a prankster and a very lovable one at that.

2. Who are the other characters?
I added a page about the cast so go there to find out more!

3. You say that the Ghost with the Most haunts this site. Is this true?
Uh... more comments!.

4. Alot of pictures look fimiliar to me.
Well some are from the show, some I drew, some of them my friends drew, others well no comment.

5. When I try to watch the show on the page called "Videos" it won't let me. Why is that?
Sometimes it does that. Maybe your computer doesn't have the downloads to watch it or maybe BJ is pranking you. Well you can go to or to watch them but don't forget about here!

6. I have a site that I would like to link but when I put it in your link page it doesn't show. Why doesn't it show? WHY???!!!!
Alright alright calm down! It doesn't show because I have to put it on. When you press add link it sends it to me where I go to your site and make sure it's ok. So basically it's all up to me! MWAHAHA!

7. What kind of ghost is Beetlejuice?
Some say he's just dead others say he's just a ghost however I agree with the people that say he's a poltergeist. You see I study the paranormal and live the paranormal sometimes although I do not believe everything that is said by paranormal experts. Everything that he is sounds almost identicale to a poltergeist. I will read up more on them and maybe add a page about them.

8. Who the heck are you?
I am Ruby Gemstone. I am 266 years old although I look only about 19/20 ish. My sisters Emerald, Diamond, Crystal,and Garnet are on here alot too but I run it.

9. Huh?
Ok Ruby Gemstone is a character in one of my fanfics based after me but my name is really Ruby.

10. So how are Ruby and Beetlejuice conected?
Ruby and Beetlejuice are right now ingaged to be married. But who knows what will happen!

11. Does Ruby have special powers?
Yes I do.  I can see into the future and can levitate myself and other things! Cool huh?

12. When I try to link your site to mine your banner doesn't work. It's annoying the heck out of me!
Ok sorry about that but I made it my self through a website that lets you use glitter junk so it should work but it doesn't always also you may not have the right downloads to use it. Sorry.

13. So what exactly are you gonna do for the holidays?
Look in the page tiltled HOLIDAYS and if you arn't patient then here: I'm gonna have some contests, cool games, fun printables, and lots more.

14. In cast why are there only a few characters from the show there?
I'm gonna add more and also a few characters from the movie.

15. Why are you not in cast?
I'm gonna add the stuff about me in RUBY'S ROOM but BJ's still building it so I don't know how long it should take....*SIGH*

16. Ok why on earth would you add a link to that site BJ's Roadhouse if you don't agree with alot of their stuff?
Because they let me borrow some things so I had to thats what I do to repay them. It used to be way cooler though too bad there not taking good care of that site. And it's getting perverted.

17. Did you really see Sweeney Todd?
No I just made it all up. OFCOURSE I DID!!! I go to see ALL of Tim Burton's movies! I have it on DVD now, even if it is rated R. Honestly I would have rated it PG-13 but I can see why it's rated R.

18. So how do I send my pic of Ruby or my fnafictions to you?
Ok I made a slite error here. You can send them to me by e-mail. don't ask why I used wysiwyg or what it stands for too hard to explain!

19. Ok who is this Clopin and Issabelle you and Black Cat are talking about?
You'll have to wait and find out!

20. Are you EVER gonna post your fanfiction and fan art?
Yes and anyone elses. To get a sneek peak go to and find RubyNbj thats me and read some of my fanfictions!

21. Ok you said to come here on christmas day why wasn't there a big party or suprize?
My laptop broke completley and there were other things that I had to do sorry about that I'll try harder next year! SORRY!!! I got a new laptop too so that should fix some things up.

22. Ok so how do you play the background music on your site? It won't work on mine!
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! I shall never reveil my secrets! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!

23. I sent you fanart or fanfics and you havn't put it up yet. What's goin on?
I have to read them all before I put 'em up and some times I'll correct spelling errors and stuff like that but don't worry I don't mess up the story. I don't put EVERYTHING that I have at the time when I update sometimes I'll hae things perfect but I'll wait another week before I put it on either because I'm waiting for the right time or because I just don't feel like it that day. But I promise if it passes standerds than it'll be on.

24. If you post my fanfiction on here and I havn't finished it yet and I wait a while to add more will it still be on here?
Yup even if it takes you 100 years to write it it'll still be up here! I don't take fanfiction down.

25. Will you ever delete this site?
NEVER! I will never delete this site no matter what! I might not update it all the time or in a few years I may not even log on that much but don't worry I will never delete it ever!

26. Can I post a link to my site or a commercial for my site in the guest book?
N-O! That spells no. No under any sercumstance! I will not tollerate it because thats what the link list is for! If it isn't on there chances are I don't want people thinking I support the site or owe them anything.  NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOO! I will delete your message as soon as I see it!

27. Am I allowed to comment on the pictures in It's Show Time?
No because I got creepy replies and comments that sounded like some one was stalking me, it turned out to be a prank from my sister but after that and watching a creepy movie like that on Life Time Movie Network I will never let anyone comment on pictures again!

28. You watch LMN?
Yes, why?

29. No reason.
Ok then...akward!

30. Tim Burton is going to make Alice in Wonderland, when will stuff for it be on here?
Well because it's with Disney I have to wait until I've seen a poster of it. If its hand drawn animation then it will be on my disney site but if it isn't it will be on here!

31. Why do you have a Disney site?
Because I love disney animation! All the stories are great. Go to my site to learn more!

32. Why did you make the semi-related junk page?
Because I like other stuff too. And some of it will be posted on there! So yeah. What more do you want?

33. What will you post on there?
I don't know yet. I know Harry Potter is already on there.

34. Is everything on Semi-related junk some how related to tim burton and/or beetlejuice?
Pretty much yes! But ther will be stuff on there related to my friends, family, and myself!

35. I have more questions!!!
I'll be adding more answers ASAP!

Quick Poll  

Do you think Ruby and Beetlejuice are a cute couple?
Yes they were made for eachother!
Not really no.
What makes them happy makes me happy I guess
I wanted Ruby get away BJ!
Get away from BJ RUBY!!!

(View results)

Ruby's say of the day!  
  Listen too your heart it'll lead you down the right path!  
Diamond's coment of the week  
  Be grateful for what you have! Now time to go on ebay and get more junk!  
Crystal's profisy  
  You will get answers to most of your questions within the next week!  
Emerald's Plant Pick!  
  Just for the record I do not approve of picking plants but...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Thats my motto!
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