Though I know I should be wary still I venture someplace scary, ghostly hauntings I turn loose, Beetlejuice,Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
Say it Once, Say it Twice, Third Time's the Charm!
Map of the Neither World  
  Tim Burton's Corner
  Vote for Mayor Maynot!
  It's show time!
  Any Questions?
  Ruby's Room
  About My Sisters
  Ruby's Big Book of Stories!
  Semi-related Junk
  The Many Faces of Beetlejuice!
YAY! I caught your attention!
Semi-related Junk
Semi-Related Junk!
This part of the site is for semi-related stuff. Like stuff that is some how stemmed from Beetlejuice or Tim Burton. Basically it's where I throw on some other junk I like!

Tim Burton's either soon to be wife or wife ,Helena Bonham Carter, played a major role in the newest Harry Potter movie. And will be playing a bigger part in the upcomming Harry Potter movies. And scince Timothy Spall (who plays Beedle Bamford in Sweeney Todd) plays Peter Pedigrew I desided to put Harry Potter on here for the first pile of junk!

The Firebolt!

Chibi Harry! Isn't he so cute?

Some of the cast of HP. Even Voldemort is cute in Chibi form!

Chibi Snape. The one at the top right is my favorite! Hee hee hee!

Ha ha! Some one hit Snape with a snowball! Ha ha ha! Honestly though he looks really cute when he's eating. Cute as in puppy dog cute!


Lucuis I didn't steal the cookies it was -uh- Garnet!!!

Draco's happy for some reason. I'm getting scared now. Running away!

GASP! A dementor!!! Oh my god! Running away again!

And I had to run into this freak again. BuckBeak get him!

Oh look it's Hermione's magical feather of happiness!

Draco, again? Oh my god can't I get away from you?

Harry and Draco...well at least Harry is here.

Wow Snape really needs a new look. Might I suggest not wearing dead animals?

Harry is Voldemort hiding under your bed?

Ron Weasley! A fellow red head!

Sure! Beetlejuice can we get a restraining order from Snape?

Ok in case you can't read the words on the picture I'll put it here: "This is Snape's specail light! See it? Huh? Huh? See it? It's cool but it's Snape's! Ha ha ha! Silly Harry thinks he can have Snape's light."I know it is random!

Woohoo!!!! More randomness!

YAY! More fellow readheads! This is Fred and George Weasley!

As told by Voldemort

Someone cuts you off in traffic! What would Snape do? CRUCIO HIS A$$!

Dobby: You shall not harm Harry Potter!
Me: Ok then...I wasn't gonna!

iHarry, iDraco, iVoldie, iRon, iDobby, iHermione, iDementor!

The Maurauder's Map!

Where did Sirius go after he fell through the veil?

Where the hell did the potato come from?

But I made it specail for you...I like pumpkin pie why dont you?!? *cries*

*cough*Transvestite*cough cough*...what?

They are not! I like my shoes...well you smell funny!

Boys boys stop fighting I'll just take the chocolate myself. Thank You! *grabs the chocolate and runs out of room*

*too busy eating chocolate to notice anyone still here*

Okydoky Draco...*takes another bite of chocolate* yummy!
Draco: I want some chocolate too.
Me: No get your own! I had to steal this chocolate for all I know it could be poisened!!!
*draco takes a step back*
Draco: Then why do you keep eating it?
Me: Um let's see oh yeah IM ALREADY DEAD! *eats more chocolate as Draco writes more of his fanfiction story.*

Quick Poll  

Do you think Ruby and Beetlejuice are a cute couple?
Yes they were made for eachother!
Not really no.
What makes them happy makes me happy I guess
I wanted Ruby get away BJ!
Get away from BJ RUBY!!!

(View results)

Ruby's say of the day!  
  Listen too your heart it'll lead you down the right path!  
Diamond's coment of the week  
  Be grateful for what you have! Now time to go on ebay and get more junk!  
Crystal's profisy  
  You will get answers to most of your questions within the next week!  
Emerald's Plant Pick!  
  Just for the record I do not approve of picking plants but...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Thats my motto!
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