Map of the Neither World |
YAY! I caught your attention! |
Ok sorry for all the fans of Beetlejuice and Ruby but I found this really cute, intresting, and addicting story online! It isn't Beetlejuice related but I love it. IT ISN'T MY STORY BUT I DID CHANGE SOME OF IT!!!
Kind of a depressing story but it gets good!
There's gonna be pics of the characters too!
For girls only sorry guys!
Ok first your name will be represented as ______. You are 15 turning 16 in a month. You are about 5.5 or 5.6 and you look like you.
It had been another typical day. You got up, showered and dressed. You went to school and zoned out as usual. You got home, put on your favorite dress. It was long and black with lace bows. You sat in your room and put on some music, whatever you like to listen to. You were going through a depressed stage in your life because your older brother, Kyle had been found murdered. The police hadn't found the murder yet and the whole school was basicly avoiding you. Your parents were horrified about Kyle's death and had sadly began to forget about you. You spent more and more time outside alone.
"I think I'll go for a walk..." You got up and since it was 11 o'clock at night you snuck out through your window. It was dark and cold, yet you kept walking. (by the way your thoughts will be in the ** marks.) *Brr... its sorda cold.* You woke from your daze and looked around.
"where am I?" You look around to see that you are in a bad part of town. The gutters were filled with trash and you could see 2 men by a street light. *I better get out of here...* You turn around and begin to quickly walk away from the street light. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder. *oh god!*
You spun around and your facing a poorly kept man, he has a spark in his eyes that you really don't like. He has a friend who quickly moves beside him.
"My what is such a beautiful girl doing out here so late?" The first man asks. The second man just snickers. He begins to pull you towards the street light. "What's your name sweetheart?" "None of your bussiness now let me go!" You try to struggle free but fail.
The men just laugh at you and begin to pull you towards an alley. *NO! Please someone help me* The second man sees that your about to scream and pulls out a 4inch pocket knife.
"Scream and I'll kill you." he pokes it lightly at your neck. As you near the alley another man appears by the street light.
"Let that girl go!"
"Huh? We found her she's ours!"
"I said let her go!" The mystery guy steps closer.
"Take care of this punk." The second man with the knife runs at the new guy. *Oh no! They are going to kill him! Then kill me!* Tears begin to form in your eyes. Then the man fighting the new guy falls to the ground knocked out. The man holding you reaches for his knife and puts it to your throat.
"Come a step closer and I'll kill her." You feel the blade push against your skin and you see the guy freeze. He looks at you and you see he has black hair and green eyes. He also has.... ANIMAL EARS?? Catish ears to be exact. *What is he?* You feel the man's hold on you tighten and the knife dig farther into your skin.
"W-what are you?!" The man shouts obviously terrified.
"Lets just say I'm the thing thats going to kill you unless you let that girl go." *His voice is so steady.* Thats when the knife really digs into your throat. You let out a gasping sound as the knife cuts across your throat, slitting it to some extent. (don't worry not enough for you to die.) You fall to the ground slowly. Time seems to stop for a moment. You hear the guy with catish ears yell, but you can't make out what it is. Your vision is going blurry and you feel like your going to die. You see the guy with ears leaning over you and then you pass out. * Am I dead?*
You kept slipping in and out of consciousness you remember hearing voices.
"What are you doing who is that!"
"She's dying, help me!"
"Hurry find Ryan before its too late!"
"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!"
You black out again and slip into a dream.
You look around and see a beautiful garden with fountains that trickled water slowly. It was night time and you had the feeling that you shouldn't be here. You turned to leave and bumped into something. (Or should I say someone) You look up at what you bumped into and you see a guy with pale skin, yellow eyes and grey hair. He is wearing a dark blue cloak. He reaches for you...
"Ahh!" You scream as you sit up quickly. Suddenly you are hit with your memories of what happened in the alley. *oh my god... What happened... that guy... my neck!* You reach up to your neck and feel a slight scar.
"A... scar?" * My skin couldn't have healed that fast. Am I dead... or... how long have I been out?* You look around the room. Your in a queen sized bed with light blue sheets. The room its self is pretty big. It has a big window covered with dark blue blinds, by the look of the blinds its night out. There is a fire place opposte the bed with a fire in it. *I must be in an old victorian mansion... how odd* There is a door beside the fire place leading to... a bathroom maybe? There is also an oak wardrobe like the one your grandmother has.You hear voices outside your door and quickly pretend to be alseep. The door opens and 2 boys walk in. The light is off so you can't see them, besides your eyes are closed so you can't see anyways.
"How is she doing Ryan?" A voice asked. *That voice... its that boy that saved me... the one with cat ears* (dog ears. >_<')
"She's improving greatly. She should be waking up soon." *That must be Ryan* you think. *Well this is my chance to 'wake up' Better take it.* You roll over and then open your eyes sleepily.
"Uhh... Where am I?" You mumble to yourself. Your going for the 'Talking to yourself until they approach you' routine. You often did that with your brother... (>_<' Can't remember his name right now.)You put your hand to your hand to your neck slowly.
"Oh my god what happened! I was in that alley... and that guy!" You sit up wondering when they'll make themselves noticed.
"Umm excuse me?"The boy called Ryan asked.
"Who is there?" You ask half faking being frightened but you were sorda frightened for real. *What if I can't trust these people?*
"Its ok. I'm the guy that saved you from those guys in the alley. Your going to be alright now." The guy with the weird ears said.
"What happened... where am I... Who are the two of you... how did my neck heal... how long have I been out?" You asked quickly getting from the bed. You could see the guys by the door so you wern't going over there.
"We'll answer all you questions after you shower to get all that dried blood off of you."
"Dried blood? Oh... neck. Umm do you have any clean clothing that'd fit me?" You shield your eyes as the light turns on.
"In that wardrobe. See you downstairs after." With that the two of them walk out. You didn't even get a good look at them because your eyes wern't ready for that sudden light. You go to the wardrobe and pick a dress in your favorite color with beatiful details.You shower and then change. You feel refreshed and have completely forgotten about your dream. You leave the room and enter the hallway. *Now which way do I go?* You frown realizing that you are hopelessly lost.
"Damn..." You mumble as you look either way. All you see is hallways and doors.
"Need help?" You turn around and see a black haired guy. He has cold blue eyes and a black cloak.
"Uhh... I'm sorda lost. I'm trying to find... actually I don't even know where I'm supposed to go." You look down embarassed and the guy laughs.
"Here I'll take you." He takes your hand softly and begins to lead you down a hallway. "My name is Vincent. What is your's?"
"Its _______." There is something about this guy that seems strange but you can't seem to place it.
"Here we are _______."He opens a door and the two other guys are sitting there. The guy who you guessed it called Ryan stands. He has deep brown eyes and long blonde hair. He is wearing a red and white cloak.
"So you've finally joined us...Miss...?"
"Its _______." You say shyly.
"I see. Miss _______ come sit, we have much to discuss. But first our names. I am Ryan, this is Chase and the man beside you is Vincent." "Nice to meet you?" you say confused. You sit beside Vincent and across Chase. Ryan sits back beside Chase. You look at Chase for the first time. He has blueish green hair, green eyes and yes cat ears (neko ears, dog ears, wolf ears, whatever you wish to call them but your character doesn't know what Chase is so they see them as cat ears for now.)
"So _______ ... what question do you want to ask first?" Chase asks. You look over at Chase and say "Are those...cat ears?"
The three guys nervously laugh.
"How about we start with what we are. It'll make everything a little bit easier." Vincent replies.
"I'm an angel, Chase is a were-wolf, and Vincent is a vampire." Ryan says as white wings appear from his back. Chase wiggles his ears and Vincent smiles revealing pointed vampire fangs.
"uhh..." *That explains so much and yet how? It explains my neck, Chase's ears and that odd feeling about Vincent.*
"So... what do you think?" Ryan asks as his wings disappear.
You are dazed and you are a bit frightened. "________?" Chase asked as he leaned in towards you.
"Umm ya I'm ok just thinking... so your really what you say you are? Wow that is so... Cool!" The guys are a bit shaken by your reaction to the 'real' them, but they are happy that your not running away screaming. You had always been into other worldly things and as frightened as you were you were also enjoying yourself.
"So _______ you can rest here for the rest of the the day and then we'll take you home ok?" Vincent said as he got up and left the room.
"Oh I hope Mom and Dad arn't looking for me..." You mumble as Chase and Ryan talk about who gives you a tour. They finally realize that you are looking at them funny and they stop.
"So _______ Want to go on a tour of the garden? Its really nice!" Chase askes giving you a puppydog stare. " Um ok" you say.
Chase takes you by the hand and begins to lead you out of the room.
"Good luck _______." Ryan says smiling warmly at you as you are half pulled, half dragged out of the room. "Chase is really excited to have someone to talk to... I hope he doesn't get attached..."
back to you and Chase
"Umm... Chase its dark I can't see very well." you say as Chase leads you out padio doors.
"Just hold onto my arm. Were almost there." Chase leads you to a large area surronded by hedges. He leads you to a fountian that is lit by underwater lights.
"The fountain is beautiful." You say dipping you hand into the cold water.
"Just wait." Chase replies as he flicks on a light and lanturns around the area light up. You can see the hedges are all different shapes and that beyond the fountian there is a large garden with many different plants, flowers and trees.
"Its amazing!" You gasp.
"Thanks. I have nothing to do all day because Ryan is always out and Vincent is always sleeping. I spend most of my time out here."
*Aaw he must be so lonley, I wonder if theres any deadly nightshade?*
"I want to show you better in the morning before you leave, if thats alright with you..." Chase says looking down at his feet.
"Sure." You say smiling at him. Chase picks a Moonflower and hands it to you
"These only bloom at night... well we better get back or Ryan will worry that I'm boring you." The two of you laugh as Chase leads you back to the padio doors.
"there you are Chase. Showing Miss _______ your garden? You do realize garden tending is a girly thing to do?" Vincent laughs as Chase frowns at him.
"Its not girly! Besides if it wasn't for my garden how would you heal so quickly, and what would you eat when you didn't go out on the town?" Chase replies annoyed. You sort of step away from the two of them but you bump into Ryan.
"You guys enough. I'm showing ______ to her room and I expect the two of you to be quiet so she can sleep."
Ryan leads you to your room and wishes you good night. You fall asleep instantly. You have dreams of guys with wings, fangs and big ears. You are jolted awake when you here a knock at your door.
"Umm... who is it?" you ask sleepily, your still a bit groggy.
"Its Chase. May I come in?" You let him in and he tells you that you will be leaving soon and then he askes if you remember that you said you'd look at his garden. You agree to go with him and you and Chase walk in the huge garden for 20 minutes until Ryan comes out to get you.
"______ its time to go, I'll take you home."
"Alright. It was nice meeting you Chase. Oh and say good bye for me to Vincent." You say as Ryan takes your hand.
"Ok _______ nice to meet you too!" Chase says smiling.
"Ok _______ hold on." Ryan's wings appear and you feel yourself being lifted into the air.
"Whoa..." You grip Ryan tighter as he flies with extreme speed to the south. Your tired because its 6 in the morning and your begining to doze in Ryans arms.
"_______ were near." Ryan says shaking you lightly to wake you.
"Oh... yes... ok." You mumble snuggling closer to Ryan for warmth.
"Err... _______?" Ryan says blushing slightly as he shakes you again.
"Oh right sorry..." You blush and you atempt to wake yourself further. The two of you continue to fly and then as your approaching your house Ryan suddenly stops midair. You look at what he is looking at and see crime scene tape around your house and police cars parked in the driveway. *The police? What happened?*
Ryan sences your reaction to the police cars and begins to drop slowly to the ground behind a building.
"_______ it might not be what you think..." He begins but as soon as your feet touch the ground your off running towards your house. You turn the corner and are about to run into the house whan a policeman stops you.
"Hey kid this is a crime scene. You can't be here."
"But officer!" You reply "Thats my house! Are my parents alright?!" You frantically ask trying to get a look beyond the officer. The officer looks sadly at you and realizing that you are clueless and frantic he grabs your shoulder lightly
"Listen kid... I'm afraid your parents are... dead... I'm sorry..." He says slowly. You shake him off and start running the other way. Away from the cop, away from your house, and away from your old life. You keep running ignoring everything around you, you don't even know where you are headed. You slow down and finally fall to your knees in the nearby park. Your tears fall down your cheeks and your side hurts from running. You feel a hand on your shoulder and look up into the eyes of Ryan.
"_______... I'm so sorry..." He begins, but you cut him off.
"Why them? It wasn't enough that my brother is dead but now they have to go too? I have no family left... my last grandparent died last month..." You cry to yourself."
"______..." Ryan mutters your name. He picks you up off the ground even though you struggle he doesn't drop you. His wings appear and he takes off to the air as you finally stop fighting him. You pass out from exhaustion.
Ryan's point of view:
I flew carring _______ fragile body. She had been through so much by the sounds of it... Maybe I'll ask her later. It'll be odd having a human around the house... actually it will be very odd. I hope Vincent doesnt mind.... I just can't think of leaving her alone to the world's disapointments alone... heh... Chase will be happy, he'll finally have someone to talk with... ________ moved slightly and I couldn't help but think her sorda cute... Ahh what am I saying? I am an angel and she is human.... and yet....
Your point of view again
"Mmmm....hmmm?" You mumble as you snuggle in closer to the warmth. "Where am I?" You open your eyes to see that you are flying high above the trees.
"Awake _______?" Ryan saying looking at you worriedly. You realize that your not in a dream and that everything that happened to you and your family is real.
"...Oh my... no... Wait... its not a dream...is it?..." You reach up to touch his face to see if he is real. He takes your hand and squeezes it tight. His hand is so warm.
"Its alright ________ I'm here for you. Were going to my house... and everything will be alright." Ryan says as you smile weakly at him. Ryan and you stay silent as heflies you the rest of the way to the house. Your new home.
Ryan lowered you to the ground gently and as soon as your feet touched the ground your ankles gave way and you fell right into Ryan.
"I...Umm...sorry..." You stammered looking away. Ryan blushed but since you were looking away from him you didn't see him blushing.
"Its alright, come on we have to get you settled in your room." Ryan lead you to the room you used before.
"Umm... Where is Chase? Doesn't he stay up during the day with his plants?" Your voice echoed through the halls.
"Oh, Chase gets up at 5 pm to take care of his plants and I get back here at 6 pm at the same time Vincent awakes." Ryan says as he opens your door for you.
"Oh... ok... umm... so I?" You ask slowly entering the room agian.
"You can stay here and I suggest getting used to sleeping during the day if you want to stay here. Well have a nice day and at 5 go down to the garden and you'll find Chase. Good bye Ms. _______." Ryan smiled politely at you and closed the door behind him.
You sit down on the bed and review what has happened to your not-so-normal life. After mourning your parents deaths, sleep finds you and you fall into a dreamless sleep.
Chase's point of view
"YAWN...mmm..." Chase mumbles to himself as he got out of bed. I wonder how that _______ girl explained to her parents about her disappearing... I hope she didn't get into too much trouble... Chase thought as he dressed and headed out to his garden.
"I really acted childish around her when she was here... its either my poor people skills, or maybe it was her... heh... na it was my non-existent people skills." Chase mumbled to himself as he watered the plants.
Chase looked at his stomach. ^_^*
"Heh... maybe I should get something to eat." Chase walked into the kitchen area and was rumaging through what he wanted to eat. He popped two peices of bread into the toaster and got himself a glass of ice tea.
Up in your room...
"Mmmm.... toast." ^-^ You said getting yourself from the bed. You had been up for about an hour and had been looking through the assorted dressers and drawers that your room contained. You had found a whole bunch of dresses that looked rather old, but in good condition. You had been debating weither or not you should shower and change into one. But in the end you showered and chose the long, dark blue dress with black ribbon decoration.
After sitting in your new room for a while admiring your dress you then smelt the toast. ANYWAYS... You get up and follow the scent. After wandering in the halls a bit dazed for a few minutes you finally find your way to the kitchen.
"Hello? Is anyone here? Chase?" You begin to search the dining area that you were at last night. You see Chase and smile at his stunned face.
"________? No... it couldn't be... Ryan took you home..." Chase placed his toast on the plate and walked to you. "Not to be rude but... What are you doing here?"
"I...well..." Your eyes begin to tear up again and you look at the floor. "My family is gone and Ryan said I could stay.... he said he'd talk to you and Vincent about it later..." Chase, realizing that you were about to cry, took your hand and lead you to a chair.
"Oh _______ I am so sorry. Please don't cry." He squeezed your hand lightly, not quite sure what to do. You began to quietlycry on his shoulder and Chase, a bit startled, patted you lightly on the back mumbling "It'll be alright ________." After your little breakdown, Chase makes you something simple to eat. You asked for some toast. It's what you came down to the kitchen for after all.
You eat your breakfast as you and Chase sit awkwardly at the table. Chase gets up smiling and walks out of the room leaving you to your meal.
Chase's point of view
"Oh Thank god your here Ryan! It was so odd. She was crying on me and I didn't know what to do! And then she said you said she could stay. Do you think Vincent will mind? She was crying! Wow.... I never saw a human girl cry." Chase rattled on as Ryan walked into the front door.
"Wow. Calm down Chase. She'll be fine." Ryan said calmly as he hung up his coat. "IS Vincent up yet? And where is Ms. ________ ?"
"Umm no Vincent is still asleep... that or he's just getting up. ______ is in the dining room." Chase leads Ryan to you. You glance up from you meal and you quickly look back at your plate. You were embarrassed about your little freak-out attack when you found about about your parents. And how even though you were freaking out Ryan cared enough to follow and help. *Probably because he's an angel...* You thought to yourself as an after thought.
"Ms. _______ did you get enough rest?" Ryan asked sitting a seat away from you.
"Yes thank you I did. And please call me _______. The 'Ms.' is a bit to formal."
"So umm... Ryan you are supposed to tell me something?" Chase asked looking from you Ryan to you to the floor.
"Yes. Lets go speak with Vincent. _______ if you want you can hang out in here until we get back. I don't suggest looking around. You might get lost. Come on Chase lets go get Vincent." Ryan and Chase walked away and you decided that it'd be safer if you stayed put in the room.
Ryan's point of view
Chase and I walked up to Vincent's room and nearly walked into him as we knocked on his door.
"What are you doing outside my room? And you smell of that _______ girl." Vincent said as Chase and I glanced at each other.
"Vincent, I have invited _______ to stay here with us."
"Why? She has a home and she is human. There is no reason for her to be here."
"Vincent... I tried taking her home but her parents are dead. I investigated after bring her back here and aparently her mother and father were both drunk and fighting, and her father shot her mother then himself. Her brother is dead and she has no living relatives. So I told her she could stay here." I explained as Vincent's face fell into a state of understanding. I had some idea that his family was similar to _______ but at the same time I wasn't quite sure and I wasn't going to ask.
"Alright ________ can stay... but where is she?"
"Down in the dining room."
"Hmm... but there are some rooms she can't go in understand?"
"Yes of course. It is your house."
"Alright. lets not keep _______ waiting alone." They walked back to where you were and....
(He's a werewolf)

This Is Ryan (he's an angel)

This Is Vincet:(He is a vampire!)
This is Anos: (I don't really know what he is yet)

(Yes she is a werewolf too.She's got an attitude problem and no she isn't related to Chase.)
Quick Poll |
Ruby's say of the day! |
Listen too your heart it'll lead you down the right path! |
Diamond's coment of the week |
Be grateful for what you have! Now time to go on ebay and get more junk! |
Crystal's profisy |
You will get answers to most of your questions within the next week! |
Emerald's Plant Pick! |
Just for the record I do not approve of picking plants but...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Thats my motto! |
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