Name: Prince Vince
Profile: Gloomy as Gloomy Can Be
Status: depressed
Catchphrase(s): "Woe! Oh, woe!"
Identified by: Dark clouds; Dark clothes; Dark mood
Prince Vince is merely a figurehead in the Neitherworld, as the world is run by a democratic-type government. However, the citizens of the Neitherworld love their prince, and would do anything for him--even pretend they like his depressing music. But all Vince wants is friends, and he has them in Beetlejuice and Lydia, who are the only ones who can look past his gloomy exterior and see the lonely person inside. Ok so I
could look past his gloominess but I don't
want to. Hey I can think what I want to think about him! P.S. If they ever make a movie about Prince Vince Jhonny Depp should soo be the voice! Don't you agree?